Why tie up a lot of capital in a holiday property in Spain when Co-ownership will permit you to enjoy all the benefits of ownership for the time you choose to occupy the property? Your fellow co-owners will have the same commitment to the villa and will look after it when they are in occupation as you would yourself when you are there. Also, the price you pay is for the whole month, and as you can see the cost of buying one full month with Los Azahares is, more often than not, much cheaper than buying just one week with another holiday co-ownership company.
The costs of upkeep are kept down because maintenance etc is shared between a number of owners rather than all falling on you personally.
Co-ownership at the Los Azahares complex has operated very successfully for a number of years and there are approximately 40 families who now participate as co-owners. The properties are well maintained throughout the year by a local family outfit who work under the direct supervision of the UK Board of Directors, who are themselves all co-owners.
The present structure of the maintenance fee is that there is an annual basic charge of £490 per month owned. Some people may not use their villa in a given year but for those who do there is a further charge of £275 for low season months (November to March), £305 for mid-season months (April and October) and £375 for the remaining months. (You are free to allow other people to use your month if you wish.)
The process of acquiring a unit is really very simple. Once you have decided which month or months you require, (and if they are available), you will be supplied with a simple set of standard contract documentation to complete and return with your cheque.
JANUARY - £4,000 - please contact us re availability
MARCH - £5,000 - please contact us re availability
APRIL - £7,000 - please contact us re availability
MAY - £7,000 - please contact us re availability
JUNE - £6,500 - please contact us re availability
JULY - £8,500 - please contact us re availability
AUGUST - £11,000 - please contact us re availability
SEPTEMBER - £7,000 please contact us re availability
OCTOBER - £7,250 - please contact us re availability
NOVEMBER - £5,250 - please contact us re availability
DECEMBER - £5,000 - please contact us re availability
We also have some 'pre-loved' co-ownerships throughout the year which might be available at a discount if you would like to contact us.
The costs of upkeep are kept down because maintenance etc is shared between a number of owners rather than all falling on you personally.
Co-ownership at the Los Azahares complex has operated very successfully for a number of years and there are approximately 40 families who now participate as co-owners. The properties are well maintained throughout the year by a local family outfit who work under the direct supervision of the UK Board of Directors, who are themselves all co-owners.
The present structure of the maintenance fee is that there is an annual basic charge of £490 per month owned. Some people may not use their villa in a given year but for those who do there is a further charge of £275 for low season months (November to March), £305 for mid-season months (April and October) and £375 for the remaining months. (You are free to allow other people to use your month if you wish.)
The process of acquiring a unit is really very simple. Once you have decided which month or months you require, (and if they are available), you will be supplied with a simple set of standard contract documentation to complete and return with your cheque.
JANUARY - £4,000 - please contact us re availability
MARCH - £5,000 - please contact us re availability
APRIL - £7,000 - please contact us re availability
MAY - £7,000 - please contact us re availability
JUNE - £6,500 - please contact us re availability
JULY - £8,500 - please contact us re availability
AUGUST - £11,000 - please contact us re availability
SEPTEMBER - £7,000 please contact us re availability
OCTOBER - £7,250 - please contact us re availability
NOVEMBER - £5,250 - please contact us re availability
DECEMBER - £5,000 - please contact us re availability
We also have some 'pre-loved' co-ownerships throughout the year which might be available at a discount if you would like to contact us.